Friday, June 5, 2009

Finally, an ENDING to the Winter of Our Discontent!

Greetings, friends. Now that the Sterlings have gotten fully moved into Warren, PA and have begun to get our spiritual feet wet at Warren First United Methodist Church, I have a few minutes to get back to this blog thing. Sorry--again--for the long hiatus. I guess that at almost 55 years of age, I'm just beyond the "I blog regularly" habit. As my half-a-new-year's resolution (those made in June, of course), I vow to blog more, but the keep my entries shorter!

Winter is finally over in Warren, PA. I say this as a matter of faith, as the natives say we are really not "out of the woods" until July or August. Actually, we have seen some beautiful weather here in the past couple of weeks, and when the wind is not icy and gusting to 80, this area is a true natural wonder. God is indeed good.

Hey, don't forget to go to church this Summer, friends. Your pastors, priests (and Rabbis, if you are Jewish) really appreciate it when you don't forget them just because the weather looks more like picnic or boat weather than prayer, praise, and preaching weather. I bet God is please, too, when we don't take the Summer off. After all, God does not; God is 24/7, as they say.

Have a great Summer, friends. Enjoy the fabulous out-of-doors, your family, your faith, and your friends. Life is good; enjoy the journey. Shalom!

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Presents Presents, and Presence

  Presents Presents, and Presence   1 Corinthians 12:1-11 A variety of gifts but one Spirit  12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers a...